Department of Utilities
Reference: Service Line Inventory for the Lead and Copper Regulations
To: Mayor Gregory Mills and Members of City Council
Through: Michael P. Martinez - City Manager
Prepared By: Scott Olsen - Director of Utilities
Date Prepared: September 25, 2024
To provide an update on the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) Regulation and activities to comply with the inventory of service lines.
On December 16, 2021, EPA finalized the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), which further strengthen the protections against lead in drinking water. The Colorado Department of Health and Environment subsequently adopted the rule into Regulation 11: Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations.
The LCRR contains several new requirements for water systems. One of the key changes is a requirement to develop a system-wide lead service line inventory which includes a lead service line replacement plan by October 16, 2024.
Lead is a natural element that has been used in a variety of industries and poses significant health concerns. Lead was once used as a material in plumbing products but has been long since banned. Lead is not found in our drinking water after treatment at the Brighton Water Treatment Facility. Risk of lead exposure comes from old plumbing, where lead in pipes, solder, fittings or fixtures may get into the drinking water under certain conditions. Currently, the inventory does not include any lead service lines. However, the service line materials on older homes must be characterized. The CPDHE has decided that there is likely no lead in service lines installed after 1959, so the focus will be homes 1959 and older and these are called “unknowns” until the inventory is complete.
The service line is the line from the main to the home. The city owns the portion of the line up to the meter and the customer owns the portion from the meter (or curb stop in some cases) to their home. Both sides must be investigated. Since the customer owns their side, they must participate in the process.
The inventory currently shows about 1,750 unknown service lines in the city. On October 16, 2024, in conjunction with the report to CPDHE, Brighton must post an online map of our inventory. In addition, the owners and occupants of these homes or businesses must be notified by November 15, 2024, that their line is unknown status. In this notification, we will ask them to help by giving permission to investigate their line.
Next year, a project to pothole a statistical representative subset of properties to show there is no lead in the system will be started. Potholing involves using water to excavate a small hole over the service line to determine the material. This process is completed on both sides of the line for about 317-350 properties.
This presentation is for informational purposes only. Any items requiring action of the City Council will be brought forth at a future City Council meeting.
● PowerPoint Presentation