Department of Community Development
Reference: Brighton Crossing Filing No. 7, 2nd Amendment Subdivision Plan
To: Mayor Gregory Mills and Members of the City Council
Through: Michael P. Martinez, City Manager
Prepared By: Summer McCann, Senior Planner
Date Prepared: February 7, 2025
The subdivision plan application (the “Application” or the “Subdivision Plan”) before the City Council is for an approximately 20.90-acre property (the “Property”), generally located to the north of East Bridge Street, west of Mt. Bierstadt Street, east of Wooten Avenue and south of the intersection of Singletree Lane and Bowie Drive, situated within the Brighton Crossings Development. Sue Sibel is the project contact working on behalf of the Property owner and applicant, Brookfield Residential LLC (the “Applicant”). The purpose of this Application is to subdivide previously platted land for single-family residential development.
Platting is necessary as it results in the creation of lots and/or tracts for future use(s), easements, and rights-of-way for streets within a proposed subdivision. Platting is the third step in the land development process with the City (Annexation > Rezoning > Platting - Subdivision Plan > Platting - Final Plat > Permits). The Land Use & Development Code (the “Code”) requires two steps in the subdivision process. It begins with a subdivision plan, where staff and the Applicant work together to design a conceptual layout of a future subdivision, as well as provide general development obligations of a developer. Subdivision Plans submitted before the Code change in November 2024 follow the previous process. This includes a public hearing with the Planning Commission to approve the plan, followed by another public hearing with the City Council for the acceptance of public improvements. The subdivision process concludes with a final plat. A final plat is an administrative process in which the applicant provides the final construction design and a plat map that establishes the legal boundaries of private lots, open space, and public roadways.
Section 2.02(D)(1) of the Code describes the requirements for a Subdivision Plan and states that it shall be reviewed to the following criteria:
a. The application is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, and in particular, the physical development patterns, the arrangement of streets, blocks, lots and open spaces, and the public realm design and investments, reflect the principles and concepts of the plan.
b. Compliance with the requirements of this development code, and in particular, the blocks and lots proposed are capable of meeting all development and site design standards under the zoning district.
c. The application includes performance, construction and any maintenance assurances for the design, construction and acceptance of the improvements by the City.
d. Any phasing proposed in the application is clearly indicated and demonstrates a logical and coordinated approach to development, including coordination with existing and potential development on adjacent property, and that the timing, location and construction of amenities is consistent throughout phases.
e. Any impacts identified by specific studies or technical reports, including a review of storm water, are mitigated with generally accepted and sound planning, engineering, and urban design solutions that reflect long-term solutions and sound fiscal investments.
f. The application does not deter any existing or future development on adjacent property from meeting the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
g. The design does not impede the construction of anticipated or planned future public infrastructure within the area.
h. The recommendations of professional staff or any other public entity or review agencies asked to officially review the subdivision plan.
The Property was annexed in 1985 as part of the original Bromley Park Annexation and is subject to the applicable annexation agreement and amendments. In 2020, the Property was platted into two lots (Lot 1, Block 32 and Lot 1, Block 33) as a part of the Brighton Crossing Filing No. 7 Final Plat. A small portion of the site was later platted as a Tract under the Brighton Crossing 7, 1st Amendment Final Plat. In 2024, the Property was rezoned under the Bromley Park PUD 33rd Amendment from “Multifamily” to “Single-Family Detached”.
Surrounding Land Use(s):

This Subdivision Plan does not include a developer contribution page, as seen in other recent subdivision plan applications. The Property was previously platted and remains subject to the obligations of the Brighton Crossing Filing No. 7 Development Agreement. In addition to this existing agreement, a future amendment to the development agreement will be negotiated for this project and brought before City Council for approval. Below is a summary of the general development obligations associated with this Subdivision Plan.
Water and Wastewater:
The Subdivision Plan ensures that water dedication requirements will be met to serve the development. Under the Bromley Park Annexation Agreement, the development is eligible to pay fee-in-lieu of water dedication. The developer will connect to the City’s current water and sewer infrastructure along Bowie Drive and expand services to the Property. The extension of all water and sewer lines will be paid for and constructed by the developer.
For storm drainage, the development will implement private connections to the existing stormwater infrastructure that was built out with previous phases of Brighton Crossing 7.
The Subdivision Plan proposes several internal local public roads to provide access from Singletree Lane and Mt. Bierstadt Street. Since the adjacent roadways are already built out, the developer will be required to enhance pedestrian connectivity by extending a 5-foot sidewalk along Singletree Lane and adding 6-foot sidewalks along Bowie Drive and Mt. Bierstadt Street. Throughout the site, sidewalk connectivity will be maintained with 5-foot sidewalks in front of every lot.
Land Use & Development Code:
Below, Staff analyzes how the Application meets and/or exceeds the criteria in Section 2.02(D)(1):
a. The application is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, and in particular, the physical development patterns, the arrangement of streets, blocks, lots and open spaces, and the public realm design and investments, reflect the principles and concepts of the plan.
The future land use section of Be Brighton, the Comprehensive Plan designates the Property as Low Density Residential, which aligns with its current zoning as “Single Family Detached” under the Bromley Park PUD 33rd Amendment. The Subdivision Plan follows traditional single-family residential design patterns, ensuring consistency with surrounding properties in terms of lot sizes, street alignment, and pedestrian connectivity. This design preserves the suburban character of the area while providing a seamless transition from the existing neighborhood. Additionally, the Subdivision Plan supports other policies and strategies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. In the Opportunity Area Policies Section of Chapter Three, the Application aligns with Policy Number 13-Bridge Street Opportunities. This policy envisions the Bridge Street corridor as a vibrant main street with homes, farms, and commercial centers, with building intensities increasing near Downtown. As adjacent lots along Bridge Street are already developed or in the process of development, infill projects are encouraged to enhance the corridor’s appearance and increase investment value.
Within the Comprehensive Plan Chapter Four on ‘Citywide Principles, Policies & Strategies’, the proposed Subdivision Plan advances a number of these policies:
Policies 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 of the Comprehensive Plan focus on directing development to areas with existing infrastructure, fostering new municipal infrastructure investments that support the City's long-term vision, and ensuring that development pays its own way. The Property is surrounded by roadways and infrastructure that have already been established through previous phases of development and adjacent projects. This development will integrate seamlessly into the surrounding area, benefiting from existing infrastructure. The developer will pay all costs related to upgrading public infrastructure, including roadways and utility connections. Policy 6.1 of the Comprehensive Plan emphasizes the importance of creating inviting and safe streetscapes that are pedestrian and bike friendly. The existing trails and open space amenities within Brighton Crossing already promote pedestrian interaction that fosters a sense of community. As part of this development, the completion of adjacent sidewalks and the addition of internal pedestrian pathways will address the missing connections in the area. By building out these pedestrian routes, this development will enhance the overall walkability of the neighborhood.
b. Compliance with the requirements of this development code, and in particular, the blocks and lots proposed are capable of meeting all development and site design standards under the zoning district.
The Subdivision Plan complies with the lot and roadway specifications outlined in the Bromley Park Land Use Regulations. In addition, the Subdivision Plan addresses utility placement, pedestrian connectivity, and the overall site layout to ensure it meets both the physical and functional standards of the zoning district. If accepted, a final plat will be submitted to the Development Review Committee (DRC) to ensure that all relevant standards are met before the site can develop.
c. The application includes performance, construction and any maintenance assurances for the design, construction and acceptance of the improvements by the City.
The Subdivision Plan describes the rights of way to be dedicated to the City and maintenance of common areas by the existing metro district. A development agreement amendment will be required that will include a schedule of improvements and will further specify timing for the submittal of financial guarantees.
d. Any phasing proposed in the application is clearly indicated and demonstrates a logical and coordinated approach to development, including coordination with existing and potential development on adjacent property, and that the timing, location and construction of amenities is consistent throughout phases.
The proposed Subdivision Plan identifies a single phase of development, labeled as Phase 10, which is a continuation of the Brighton Crossing Filing No. 7 development. This new phase integrates seamlessly with the previous nine phases, ensuring consistency in the expansion of the neighborhood.
e. Any impacts identified by specific studies or technical reports, including a review of storm water, are mitigated with generally accepted and sound planning, engineering, and urban design solutions that reflect long-term solutions and sound fiscal investments.
All technical reports submitted with the Subdivision Plan were reviewed by the DRC. All infrastructure items needed to mitigate the impacts identified in the specific studies are included in the Subdivision Plan and primarily involve building upon existing infrastructure.
f. The application does not deter any existing or future development on adjacent property from meeting the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
The Subdivision Plan meets the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and allows for adjacent properties to meet those goals as well.
g. The design does not impede the construction of anticipated or planned future public infrastructure within the area.
The Subdivision Plan does not impede the construction of any future infrastructure in the area. The proposed development will enhance connectivity throughout the Brighton Crossings neighborhood.
h. The recommendations of professional staff or any other public entity or review agencies asked to officially review the subdivision plan.
The DRC has thoroughly reviewed this Subdivision Plan in collaboration with relevant external review agencies. Based on their assessments, it has been determined that the proposed plan is appropriate and aligns with the City’s objectives and requirements. All necessary recommendations and feedback from the reviewing agencies have been incorporated into the Subdivision Plan.
Development Review Committee:
The DRC recommends acceptance of the Brighton Crossing Filing No. 7, 2nd Amendment Subdivision Plan based on the applicable codified criteria.
A complete list of comments and the agencies who made them is available upon request.
Mailings were sent to all property owners within 1000’ of the proposed subdivision as required by the Code. These mailings were sent on February 13, 2025 and included a letter describing the proposed Subdivision Plan as well as a map of the subject area. Additionally, three (3) public hearing signs were posted February 14, 2025, on the Property. Lastly, a notice was published on the City of Brighton website on February 11, 2025, and posted on Facebook and NextDoor. As of the date of this report, staff has not received any formal comment from the public regarding this project.
As required by the Code and prior to formal application submittal, the Applicant team conducted a neighborhood meeting on June 19, 2024, and provided minutes of the meeting. These minutes were included as part of the formal application and adhere to the requirements set forth in Section 2.01.D.
The Planning Commission approved the Subdivision Plan on February 13, 2025 (see the attached Resolution #25-01).
Staff finds the Subdivision Plan application to be in compliance with the requirements for a Subdivision Plan as described in Section 2.02(D)(1) of the Code. Based upon these findings, City staff recommends acceptance of the Brighton Crossing Filing No. 7, 2nd Amendment Subdivision Plan and has prepared a draft resolution based on these findings.
The City Council has four (4) actions it can take after reviewing this application.
1. Approve the resolution accepting the Subdivision Plan;
2. Deny the resolution accepting the Subdivision Plan and provide justification for such action;
3. Approve the resolution accepting the Subdivision Plan with modifications to the resolution; or
4. Continue the item to a later, specified date if the City Council feels it needs more information to make an informed decision.
● Draft City Council Resolution
● Planning Commission Resolution 25-01
● Aerial Map by Staff
● Proposed Subdivision Plan by Applicant
● Neighboring Property Owner Notification
● Buffer Map of Mailing Radius
● Affidavit of Sign Posting
● Website Posting Notification
● Website Posting Confirmation
● Draft Staff Presentation