City Attorney’s Office and Utilities Department
Reference: Executive Session
To: Mayor Gregory Mills and Members of City Council
Through: Michael P. Martinez, City Manager
Prepared By: Alicia Calderón, City Attorney
Date Prepared: February 21, 2025
To discuss in executive session issues subject to negotiation, to receive reports on negotiation progress and status, and to determine a position or instruct negotiators.
The City ‘s Utility Department has been considering the future of the wastewater system, specifically that portion of the City being served by the Lochbuie Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Lochbuie Municipal Sewer Board has been considering alternatives and options for plant expansion since 2023. The City Council has two members who serve on the Lochbuie Municipal Sewer Board. This executive session will provide direction to the Council members who serve on the Board and to City staff as they consider options.
City Council may motion, with the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the quorum present, to recess for an executive session pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(e) and Charter Section 5.4(C)(1) to determine a position on matters that may be subject to negotiations and to instruct negotiators.