Department of Community Development
Reference: Kestrel Planned Development
To: Mayor Gregory Mills and Members of the City Council?
Through: Michael P. Martinez, City Manager
Prepared By: Summer McCann, Senior Planner
Date Prepared: December 10, 2024
The Planned Development application ("PD" or the "Application") before the City Council is for an approximately 26.21-acre property (the "Property"), generally located to the north of East 120th Avenue, south of East 124th Avenue, east of Peoria Street and west of Prairie View High School. Currently, the Property is zoned C-2 (Restricted Retail and Services) and R-2 (Mixed Density Residential). Mike Cooper is the project contact working on behalf of the Property owner and applicant, The Orchard Church (the "Applicant"). The Applicant is requesting a rezoning to Planned Development (PD).
A PD is a type of zoning map amendment that establishes a detailed plan for development within a defined area. The PD process is intended for development concepts that require a higher degree of specific planning based on the scale and complexity of the project.
A PD is processed according to the PD and Zoning Map Amendment review criteria of the Land Use & Development Code (LUDC). Rezoning is the second step in the land development process with the City (Annexation > Rezoning > Platting > Site Plan Review > Permits). Before any permits related to new development can be issued, a major subdivision plan must be approved through a public process, a final plat must be approved administratively, and a site plan must be approved administratively. All will be reviewed using the LUDC and the applicable standards in the PD to ensure compliance with City codes and policies.
City staff collects and analyzes application materials, and after a thorough review, presents their findings to the Planning Commission and, thereafter, City Council. Requests to rezone via planned development are brought before the Planning Com...
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