Department of Community Development
Reference: Peters Annexation Agreement
To: Mayor Gregory Mills and Members of City Council
Through: Michael P. Martinez, City Manager
Prepared By: Summer McCann, Senior Planner
Date Prepared: January 10, 2025
To consider a resolution approving an annexation agreement for the Peters (the "Annexation Agreement" or the "Agreement").
The 2.859-acre property (the "Property") is generally located to the north of East Bromley Lane, south of Southern Street, east of Tower Road and west of the South 45th Avenue alignment. Kevin Lovelace with LJA Engineering is the project contact working on behalf of the Property owner and annexor, William E. Peters (the "Annexor"). The Property is 100% contiguous with the existing Brighton city limits. The City of Brighton's Comprehensive Plan, Be Brighton, designates the Property as Mixed Use Residential.
A Petition for Annexation (the "Petition") was accepted by the City Council at a regular meeting held on December 3, 2024, at which time the City Council found that the Petition was in substantial compliance with the applicable laws of the State of Colorado. See attached City Council Resolution No. 2024-93 for further information. On January 21, 2025, City Council held a public hearing and approved at first reading both the Annexation Ordinance and Zoning Map Amendment Ordinance.
The purpose of an annexation agreement is to outline the terms, conditions, and applicable City codes, ordinances, and master plans that will govern the development of the Property. It is important to review the Annexation Agreement from the perspective of potential future users, as the Annexation Agreement will run with the land indefinitely. These types of agreements contain broad development obligations. As the Property progresses through the development process, obligations will become more specific and be formalized in development agree...
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