City Attorney’s Office
Reference: Sister Cities Policy
To: Mayor Gregory Mills and Members of the City Council
Through: Michael P. Martinez, City Manager
Prepared By: Yasmina Gibbons, Deputy City Attorney
Date Prepared: September 26, 2024
To discuss a draft policy outlining the criteria and procedure for accepting new sister cities partnerships.
Brighton is a member of Sister Cities International, an organization with the purpose of promoting peace, respect, and mutual understanding across borders. Since 1996, Brighton has maintained a sister city relationship with Ziebice, Poland. A group formed to support the formation of the sister city relationship, which today calls itself Brighton Sister Cities. The sister city relationship was approved by a resolution of the City Council. Since the affiliation with Ziebice, the City has not established a policy for approving any other city sister affiliations. The City has received an inquiry regarding a new sister city affiliation.
City staff presents for the City Council’s consideration a proposed sister city affiliation policy. Staff is looking for input from the City Council on any additional criteria and/or procedures which should be included in the policy. A draft policy is attached to this report.
Staff recommends adopting a policy outlining the criteria and process for sister city affiliation.
• Proposed Sister Cities Policy
• Staff Presentation